Bitrex Miners

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Bitrex Miners Pricing

Suitable plans for all investors

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Bitrex Miners packages

Our Pricing

Silver Plan
  • Minimum - $50

  • Maximum - $999

  • Percentage - 10%
  • Referral Profit - 5%
  • Duration - 1 Day
  • Instant Payment
Diamond Plan
  • Minimum - $1000

  • Maximum - $5000

  • Percentage - 25%
  • Referral Profit - 10%
  • Duration - 1 Week
  • Instant Payment
Gold Plan
  • Minimum - $6000

  • Maximum- $10,999

  • Percentage - 50%
  • Referral Profit - 15%
  • Duration - 2 Weeks
  • Instant Payment
Ultimate Plan
  • Minimum - $11000

  • Maximum - $100000

  • Percentage - 70%
  • Referral Profit - 20%
  • Duration - 3 Weeks
  • Instant Payment

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